FIRE PRO WRESTLING A: English Translation Guide By Frank James Chan
Revision 1.0 Updated 03/26/2001
For the latest revision, be sure to check the Fire Pro DreamWorld
This document contains English translations of the on-screen text in
the Japanese version of Fire Pro Wrestling A (Ace) on the Nintendo
GameBoy Advance 32-bit handheld game console.
Fire Pro A is a 2-D professional wrestling video game developed by
Vaill Corporation and released by their parent company Spike Co., Ltd.
in Japan on March 21st, 2001.
Copyright (C) 2001
Revision History
Revision 1.0: 03/26/2001
- First public revision.
Menu Controls
D-Pad Directions are used to highlight items.
A Button Choose highlighted item. START Button can also be
used in most cases.
B Button Cancel/Previous.
R Trigger Fast Scrolling. Hold this to scroll through long
lists of items at a faster speed.
In-Game Controls
B Button Weak
Used for weak strikes and holds. The exact move
varies depending on situation.
A Button Medium
Used for medium strikes and holds. The exact move
varies depending on situation.
A+B Button Strong
Used for strong strikes and holds. The exact move
varies depending on situation.
R Trigger Run
This will allow you to voluntarily run (as opposed
to being Hammer Thrown).
L Trigger Breathe/Tag
Hold Breathe to catch your breath and avoid fatigue
during a match. Knowing when and where to use this
is part of the strategy. Used with direction toward
partner to tag out in tag matches.
D-Pad Walk
The D-Pad directions are relative to the screen
(Ex. pressing D-Pad Up will walk into the depth, or
"toward the top of the screen")
Every wrestler has one in-match appeal (taunt/pose).
START Pause the game.
-Left side of Main Menu:
One Night Match
One Night Tournament
Open League
Elimination Match
Survival Match
Audience Match
The right hand side of this screen displays art representing the
highlighted mode and a description below it.
Setup an individual match.
-Initial Screen
1 Play (Single Player)
Multi Play (Multiplayer via Link Cables)
-Match Type
Gruesome (Octagon Shoot Fighting)
Battle Royal
POP-UP: If Battle Royal is chosen, the below menu will appear.
Normal (Participants who are eliminated will leave)
Endless (Participants who are eliminated will stay and
fight until only one legal-man remains)
Over The Rope (Elimination occurs when thrown outside)
-Match Configuration
NOTE: Depending on your selection in the previous screen, some of the
items on this screen may be pre-selected and unchangeable due
to the type of match.
Match Type Single (Default)
Rules Normal (Default; choose options manually)
Gruesome (Shoot fighting)
Hardcore (Garbage style ruleset; no DQ, etc.)
American (US style ruleset)
Win Method 3 Count (Default; also allows submission)
2 Count (also allows submission)
Only Give Up (Submission Only)
Only Fall (Pin Only)
Anywhere Fall (Falls Count Anywhere)
Time Limit 5 min
10 min
15 min
30 min (Default)
45 min
60 min
No Limit
Blast Time 1 min
5 min
10 min
15 min (Default)
30 min
45 min
60 min
No Explosion
(Death Match only: sets the time at which the cage will explode.)
Game Number 1 Round (Default)
3 Rounds
Evaluation OFF (Default)
Strong Style
King's Style
Showman Style
Stoic Style
Lucha Style
Hardcore Style
(Sets the style of match that the audience will look for. See the
Audience Match mode for details.)
Ring SWA (Default; Fictional Spike Wrestling Association)
VIEW JAPAN (New Japan Pro Wrestling)
OLIVE JAPAN (All Japan Pro Wrestling)
SUPER NOVA (Pro Wrestling NOAH)
Shin IW (FMW Entertainment Wrestling)
Yukiguni Puroresu (Michinoku Puroresu)
Super Dragon Pavilion (Toryumon)
WWC Puroresu (World Championship Wrestling)
WFW Puroresu (World Wrestling Federation)
GONGS (Fighting Network RINGS)
Battration (Battlarts)
High Class (Pancrase)
Location Nihon Butoukan (Default; Nippon Budokan)
SPIKE DOME (Tokyo Dome)
Yurakuen Hall (Korakuen Hall)
Murakawa Gym (Generic Gym)
COM Level Difficulty levels: 1 (easiest) to 10 (hardest)
Default: 4
(When ON, CP vs CP matches in "fast-forward" instead of being shown
in full)
Referee Panther Tottori (Default; Tiger Hattori from NJPW)
JOE Hiroshi (Joe Higuchi from NOAH, formerly AJPW)
Mr. Mitzunaka (Mr. Soranaka from Old UWF)
Luck Kesler (Earl Hebner from WWF)
Rope Check OFF/ON
(When ON, pins and submission holds are broken when touching ropes)
Lumberjack OFF/ON
(When ON, wrestlers automatically re-enter when thrown out or
manually exits)
Tornado Battle OFF/ON
(Tag Matches Only: When ON, all Participants are allowed in the ring
at once)
Cut Play OFF/ON
(Tag Matches Only: When ON, allows partner interference when a worn
down wrestler is pinned or on the receiving end of a hold)
Critical ON/OFF
(Toggles Fire Pro's infamous KO's, called CRITICALs)
Illegal Normal (Default; Biting, weapons, low blows, and
repeated closed-fists to the head are
Gruesome (Biting and weapons are illegal)
None (No Disqualification)
Count Outs 20 Count (Default)
10 Count
(Decides how high the referee will count up to when a wrestler is
outside of the ring before ruling a Count Out)
Choose BGM WILD GUITAR (Default)
Musashi's Theme (Inoki's Theme)
(Background music that will play during the match.)
- Done -
-Control Assignment
LEFT SIDE: Blue Corner - 1P(Default)/CP/etc.
The wrestler in the blue corner will enter first.
RIGHT SIDE: Red Corner - 1P/CP(Default)/etc.
The wrestler in the red corner will enter second.
If Battle Royal was chosen, there will be four slots on this screen
instead of two.
-Wrestler Select
Use D-Pad LEFT/RIGHT to choose an organization, UP/DOWN to highlight
a wrestler. Press A to select the wrestler, you will then be able to
choose one of his costumes using D-Pad LEFT/RIGHT. Press A again to
lock in your selection, or B to cancel.
The START Button also functions like the A button. Press SELECT to
let the computer give you a random suggestion. It will only randomly
highlight a wrestler, you can still press SELECT again for another
suggestion or continue to choose a wrestler manually.
Single-elimination brackets with a maximum total of 16 and minimum of 4
participants (including any CPU-controlled ones -- can be played by a
single human player).
-Initial Screen
LOAD (if a previous game in progress had been saved)
-Match Type
-Match Configuration
-Name Entry
Enter a name for your tournament.
LEFT SIDE: Use D-Pad UP/DOWN to highlight a selection, press A.
1) Kanji character set
2) Hiragana and Katakana character sets
3) Romanji character set (Alphabet -- use for ENGLISH)
4) DONE (Advance to next screen)
Name Entry Controls:
D-Pad Directions are used to highlight characters.
A Button Choose highlighted character.
B Button Backspace.
-Wrestler Select
Use D-Pad UP/DOWN to highlight a slot on the brackets and LEFT/RIGHT
to choose who will control it (1P, CP..., END) then press A and
choose a wrestler for the slot. Choose END when finished.
-Tournament Brackets
After the brackets have been finalized, you can press B to bring up
the following menu:
Automatic (Run the tournament without any player intervention
needed between matches)
Exit (When asked whether you want to save: Left = YES, Right = NO)
Round robin style tournament with a maximum total of 64 and minimum of
4 participants (including any CPU-controlled ones -- can be played by a
single human player).
-Initial Screen
LOAD (if a previous game in progress had been saved)
-Match Type
-Match Configuration
-Name Entry
Enter a name for your tournament.
LEFT SIDE: Use D-Pad UP/DOWN to highlight a selection, press A.
1) Kanji character set
2) Hiragana and Katakana character sets
3) Romanji character set (Alphabet -- use for ENGLISH)
4) DONE (Advance to next screen)
Name Entry Controls:
D-Pad Directions are used to highlight characters.
A Button Choose highlighted character.
B Button Backspace.
-Wrestler Select
Use D-Pad LEFT/RIGHT to choose who will control (1P, CP..., END) then
press A and choose a wrestler for the slot. Choose END when finished.
-League Grid
After the league has been finalized, you can press B to bring up
the following menu:
Automatic (Run the tournament without any player intervention
needed between matches)
Ranking (Shows the rankings of the participants in the league)
Exit (When asked whether you want to save: Left = YES, Right = NO)
Two teams of five face eachother in singles matches until all members
of a team are eliminated.
-Initial Screen
LOAD (if a previous game in progress had been saved)
-Match Type
-Match Configuration
-Control Assignment
LEFT SIDE: Blue Corner - 1P(Default)/CP/etc.
The wrestler in the blue corner will enter first.
RIGHT SIDE: Red Corner - 1P/CP(Default)/etc.
The wrestler in the red corner will enter second.
If Battle Royal was chosen, there will be four slots on this screen
instead of two.
-Elimination Match Type
Team War (Normal elimination)
Marathon (Winner stays to fight next opponent)
Rank Elimination (Captain vs Captain, and so on)
-Choose Team
Choose from one of the teams.
-Elimination Match Setup
This screen allows you to choose the order in which your team members
will fight. Press A to choose one member, then A again on another
member to swap them. Press START when finished.
Defeat 10 CPU-controlled opponents. Damage accumulates over the course
of the matches, so it will become increasingly difficult as you
-Match Type
-Match Configuration
-Control Assignment
LEFT SIDE: Blue Corner - 1P(Default)/CP/etc.
The wrestler in the blue corner will enter first.
RIGHT SIDE: Red Corner - 1P/CP(Default)/etc.
The wrestler in the red corner will enter second.
If Battle Royal was chosen, there will be four slots on this screen
instead of two.
-Wrestler Select
Aim to please the crowd and become the top wrestler by working a match
in the chosen style. In this mode, the content of your match is more
important than whether you win or lose.
-Initial Screen
LOAD (if a previous game in progress had been saved)
-Wrestler Select
-Style of Evaluation
Choose the style that the audience will be looking for in your
1) Strong Style 2) King's Style
3) Showman Style 4) Stoic Style
5) Lucha Style 6) Hardcore Style
7) Freestyle
1-Strong Style
NJPW/Inoki: make good use of all techniques, including striking
and power moves.
2-King's Style
AJPW main eventers: work an intense match in which both men are
worn down to the max.
3-Showman Style
American pro wrestling. Showmanship is appreciated.
4-Stoic Style
Shoot fighting. Concentrate on using efficient techniques in an
effort to win the fight rather than entertain.
5-Lucha Style
High-flying, acrobatic maneuvers and speed are appreciated.
6-Hardcore Style
Violent and bloody matches are appreciated.
All-round balanced style. A mix of different maneuvers is
appreciated, and winning is somewhat significant.
-Audience Match Status Screen
Press A to bring up the following menu:
-Initial Screen
Wrestler Edit
Group Edit (Organizations)
Wrestler Affiliation (Update organizations wrestlers belong to)
Wrestler Exchange (Exchange wrestler data with other players via link
Wrestler Edit
-Wrestler Edit Menu
1) Model Wrestler 2) Name Entry
3) Wrestler Make (Appearance) 4) Wrestler Skill (Profile)
5) Parameter (Attribute Points) 6) Techniques (Moves)
7) CPU Logic (Tendencies) 8) Wrestler Protect (Save/Load)
**1-Model Wrestler
This function allows you to choose one of the pre-made wrestlers as
a base for a new wrestler. This may be useful for making alternate
versions of a wrestler under a different gimmick or style.
The Model Wrestler's name, appearance, statistical information under
Skill Edit, moves, and CPU Logic will all be loaded. However,
anything in Skill Edit that uses points (Critical, Special Skill,
Body Part strengths, etc.) as well as the Parameter Edit (Attribute
Points) will not be loaded so you will have to fill them in.
**2-Name Entry
Enter a name for the wrestler.
LEFT SIDE: Use D-Pad UP/DOWN to highlight a selection, press A.
1) Kanji character set
2) Hiragana and Katakana character sets
3) Romanji character set (Alphabet -- use for ENGLISH)
4) DONE (Back to Wrestler Edit menu screen)
BOTTOM: Wrestler name entry fields.
(nick name)____________________
(short name)_______ (long name)_________________
Flip Box: OFF/ON Separator: (See below)
The flip box chooses the order of the short name and long
name, while the separator determines what comes in between
them. For the separator, choosing a blank space repeatedly
will scroll through the standard separators (space, dot,
equals, and none).
Name Entry Controls:
D-Pad Directions are used to highlight characters.
A Button Choose highlighted character.
B Button Backspace.
L Trigger Previous Field.
R Trigger Next Field.
**3-Wrestler Make (Appearance)
Everything in this screen only affects the appearance. The stance
and size settings will NOT affect actual fighting style, speed,
strength, etc. Use the Skill Edit section for such settings.
Press SELECT to rotate your wrestler.
[Appearance Menu]
3-Amaresu (Amateur Wrestling)
9-Ko-budou (Old Budo)
Size: S/M/L
Face: 1 to 341
NOTE: Most of the faces are the pre-made wrestlers in the game
while the remaining ones are extras for use here in Edit mode.
With creative use of faces combined with the right bodyparts and
colors, you can make virtually any wrestler on the face of the
If you would like to use the wrestler that the face belongs to as
a base, you can hold the B Button while scrolling through the
heads with D-Pad LEFT/RIGHT.
2-Body Paint
3-Amaresu 1 (Amateur-style Singlet Top)
4-Amaresu 2 (Amateur-style Singlet Top)
5-One Shoulder (One-Shoulder Singlet)
6-Plain T-Shirt
7-Ele with T Shirt (Thermal T-Shirt)
8-Kaiser Suit (Lyger Suit)
9-Black Kaiser Suit (Black Lyger Suit)
10-Ninja Dogi
11-Karate Gi
12-Fire Suit
13-Azteca Suit (Azteca Dragon/Ultimo Dragon chestplate)
14-Kuma (Bear)
15-Joshi (Female) One Piece 1
16-Joshi (Female) One Piece 2
17-Joshi (Female) One Piece 3
18-Joshi (Female) Turtleneck 1
19-Joshi (Female) Turtleneck 2
20-Joshi (Female) T-Shirt
21-Joshi (Female) T-Shirt 2
22-Joshi (Female) Bikini
1-Short Tights
2-Belt with Tights 1
3-Belt with Tights 2
5-One Point (Decorated on back)
6-Shima Stripes
7-Side Line
8-Panther Tights (Mask De Panther/Tigermask style tights)
9-Kobashi Pants
10-Fire Pants
11-Body Paint
12-Amaresu 1 (Amateur-style Singlet Top)
13-Amaresu 2 (Amateur-style Singlet Top)
14-Belt with Amaresu
15-One Shoulder
16-Kaiser Suit (Lyger suit)
17-Black Kaiser Suit (Black Lyger suit)
18-Ninja Dogi
19-Karate Gi
20-Fire Suit
21-T-Shirt+G Pan (T-Shirt tucked into Jeans)
22-Bare+G Pan (Jeans with no T Shirt)
23-Shirt+Shima Tights
24-Shirt+Plain Tights
26-Maoshi (Sumo Sash)
28-Kuma (Bear)
29-Joshi (Female) One Piece 1
30-Joshi (Female) One Piece 2
31-Joshi (Female) One Piece 3
32-Joshi (Female) T-shirt+G Pan (T-shirt tucked into Jeans)
33-Joshi (Female) Bloomer
34-Joshi (Female) Bikini
Upper Arm:
2-Arm Band
4-HAN So-de (Shoulder of T-Shirt)
5-Fire Suit
6-Bolo So-de (Shouder Cutoffs)
7-NAGA So-de (Elbow length of T-Shirt)
8-Kaiser Suit (Lyger suit)
9-Black Kaiser Suit (Black Lyger Suit)
10-Ninja Dogi
11-Shoulder Pat
13-Kuma (Bear)
14-Joshi (Female) Normal
15-Joshi (Female) Supporter
16-Joshi (Female) NAGA So-de
17-Joshi (Female) Low Sleeves
18-Joshi (Female) HAN So-de (Shoulder of T-Shirt)
19-Joshi (Female) HAN So-de 2 (Shoulder of T-Shirt)
Lower Arm:
2-Wristband Small
3-Wristband Large
4-Supporter 1
5-Supporter 2
6-NAGA So-de (Sleeves of Shirt)
7-Kaiser Suit (Lyger suit)
8-Black Kaiser Suit (Black Lyger Suit)
9-Ninja Dogi
10-Kuma (Bear)
11-Joshi (Female) Normal
12-Joshi (Female) Wristband Small
13-Joshi (Female) Wristband Large
14-Joshi (Female) Supporter 1
15-Joshi (Female) Supporter 2
16-Joshi (Female) NAGA So-de
2-Open Finger Glove
3-Finger Taping
4-Boxing Glove
5-Joshi (Female) Fistband
2-Knee Supporter
3-Long Tights 1
4-Long Tights 2
5-Long Tights 3
6-Kaiser Tights
7-Line Tights
8-Fire Tights
9-Arrow Tights
10-Panther Tights (Mask De Panther/Tigermask style tights)
11-Shima Stripes Tights
12-Thunder Tights
13-Hikawa Tights (Misawa tights)
14-Kazama Tights (Kawada tights)
15-Spats (Biker Shorts)
16-Short Spats 1 (Short Biker Shorts)
17-Short Spats 2
18-Karate Gi
19-G Pan (Jeans)
22-Kuma (Bear)
23-Joshi (Female) Bare Legs
24-Joshi (Female) Spats
25-Joshi (Female) Short Spats 1
26-Joshi (Female) Short Spats 2
27-Joshi (Female) Knee Supporter
28-Joshi (Female) Long Tights 1
29-Joshi (Female) Long Tights 2
30-Joshi (Female) Long Tights 3
31-Joshi (Female) Line Tights
32-Joshi (Female) G Pan (Jeans)
1-Bare Legs
2-Bare Legs+Knee Pat
3-Normal Shoes
4-Short Shoes
5-Knee+Shoes 1
6-Knee+Shoes 2
7-Knee+Shoes 3
8-Knee+Shoes 4
9-Long Tights
10-Long Tights+Shoes
11-Mexican Tights 1
12-Mexican Tights 2
13-Karate Gi
14-Pantaron (Long Pants)
15-G Pan (Jeans)
16-G Pan+Western Boots (Jeans+Cowboy Boots)
17-G Pan+Knee Pat (Jeans+Kneepads)
18-Ninja Dogi 1
19-Ninja Dogi 2
20-Shima Stripes
21-Shima Stripes+Knee Pat
22-Leggers (Kick Pads)
23-Amaresu Shoes (Amateur Wrestling Shoes)
24-Amaresu Shoes + Knee (Amateur Wrestling Shoes+Kneepads)
25-Western Boots (Cowboy Boots)
26-Leg Warmer
28-Kuma (Bear)
29-Joshi (Female) Bare Legs
30-Joshi (Female) Bare Legs+Knee Pat
31-Joshi (Female) Normal Shoes
32-Joshi (Female) Knee+Shoes 1
33-Joshi (Female) Knee+Shoes 2
34-Joshi (Female) Knee+Shoes 3
35-Joshi (Female) Knee+Shoes 4
36-Joshi (Female) Long Tights + Shoes
37-Joshi (Female) G Pan
38-Joshi (Female) G Pan + Knee Pat
39-Joshi (Female) Leggers
40-Joshi (Female) Amaresu Shoes
41-Joshi (Female) Amaresu Shoes + Knee Pat
42-Joshi (Female) Socks
43-Joshi (Female) Long Tights
44-Joshi (Female) Socks + Knee Pat
1-Bare Feet
2-Ankle Taping
3-Shoes 1
4-Shoes 2
5-Shoes 3
6-Shoes 4
7-Shoes 5
8-Panther Shoes
9-Kung Fu Shoes
10-Amaresu Shoes (Amateur Wrestling Shoes)
11-Leggers (Kick Pads)
12-Arabian Boots (Pointed Toe)
13-Western Boots (Cowboy Boots)
15-Kuma (Bear)
Color Settings (Press A to enter Color Settings screen)
Done (Return to Wrestler Edit menu)
[Color Settings Screen]
Color Settings Controls:
D-Pad UP/DOWN to highlight the categories of color settings
(each category corresponds to a part of your wrestler)
or press RIGHT to go to the Color Boxes.
A Button NEXT: Scrolls through pre-set colors forward.
B Button BACK: Scrolls through pre-set colors backward.
D-Pad LEFT/RIGHT to highlight the available boxes which
control the shades used to give the illusion of the
colors. LEFT on farthest left goes back to Categories.
A Button Choose highlighted color box.
L Trigger COPY selected color box.
R Trigger PASTE selected color box.
The Categories:
Skin Tone - 4 boxes
Costume 1 - 3 boxes
Costume 2 - 3 boxes
Costume 3 - 3 boxes
Pat (Pads/Shoes) - 3 boxes
Shoes 1 - 3 boxes
Shoes 2 - 5 boxes
Mask/Glove 1 - 3 boxes
Mask/Glove 2 - 3 boxes
Eyes - 4 boxes
Wrestler Make (Back to main MAKE/Appearance screen)
Done (Return to Wrestler Edit menu)
**4-Wrestler Skill (Profile)
Belonging to Group (Organization):
1-VIEW JAPAN (New Japan)
2-TEAM BLACK (Team 2000)
3-OLIVE JAPAN (All Japan)
4-SUPER NOVA (Pro Wrestling NOAH)
5-New Generation IW (FMW)
6-Yukiguni Puroresu (Michinoku Pro)
7-Super Dragon Pavilion (Toryumon)
8-WFW Puroresu (WWF)
9-WWC Puroresu (WCW)
11-High Class (Pancrase)
12-Fighting Expedition Battration (BattlArts)
14-Gruesome Fighters (Misc Shoot Fighters)
15-FREE (Freelance)
16-LEGEND (Legends of Wrestling)
Fight Style:
1-Orthodox (Typical Professional Wrestler)
2-Technician (Good at technical skills; small package, etc.)
3-Wrestling (Amateur Wrestler)
4-Ground (Good at ground attacks, tackling, etc.)
5-Power (Powerful; Power Bombs, Side Busters, Samoan Drops, etc.)
6-American (Typical American Wrestler; Power, Heel, etc)
7-Junior (Modern Junior Heavyweight)
8-Luchadore (Lucha Libre-style wrestler)
9-Heel (Rough style/Rulebreaker; crowd boos his taunts and poses)
10-Mysterious (Unorthodox Technical style, "Oriental", e.g; Muta)
11-Shooter (Shooting style wrestler, UWF style)
12-Fighter (Kickboxer, Karate-do)
13-Grappler (Judoka, Jitsuoka, No holds barred style)
14-Panther ("Mask De Panther"/Tigermask mix of MartialArts+Lucha)
15-Giant (Giant wrestler, immovable; ie. Andre and Baba)
16-Vicious (Strong Style, e.g; Inoki aggressive fighting style)
Return Skill (Defensive Skill):
8-All-Round (Combination of Junior and Technician)
1- +0 Points Finisher
(Only the move marked as Finisher can "CRITICAL!")
2- +30 Points Striking
(Strikes such as Kicks, Punches, Knee Kicks "CRITICAL!")
3- +20 Points Suplex
(Back Drops, Front Suplexes, etc. can "CRITICAL!")
4- +30 Points Submission
(Any submisson or stretch hold can break joints)
5- +20 Points Power
(Power Bombs, Back Breaker Slams, etc. can "CRITICAL!")
6- +25 Points Technical
(Hurracan Rana, Dragon Screw, etc. can "CRITICAL!")
Special Skill:
1- +0 Points None
2- +15 Points Stardom
(Involved with crowd support and repeats popular moves.)
Requirement: Do Performance/Taunt (Analog Stick) when
your remaining power is at 0 (fatigued).
Effect: +10% Offensive Power.
3- +15 Points Quick Return
(Player may stand right up even after a major attack.)
Requirement: Remaining power is at 5% to 20%, Spiritual
Strength is above 60%.
Effect: You will stay on the ground 1/8 of the time
you normally would.
4- +15 Points One Hit Reversal
(Repeated reversals result in greater damage each time.)
Requirement: Remaining power is below 10% and Spiritual
Strength is above 30%.
Effect: The rate of Criticals is doubled.
5- +20 Points Start Dash
(Able to end the match earlier than normal.)
Requirement: Remaining power is above 70%.
Effect: The offensive power of Advantage (Special)
Moves are increased.
6- +20 Points Guts
(Will not give up easily.)
Requirement: Remaining power is 0%.
Effect: Will only receive 1/2 the Spiritual damage
normally taken when then opponent uses a
submission hold.
7- +20 Points Strike Back
(Rejuvenates strength when opponent shows signs of
Requirement: Remaining power is below 5%.
Effect: The offensive power of all moves are
8- +25 Points One Hit Finisher
(Extremely effective finisher.)
Requirement: When you use Finisher the first or second
time in a match.
Effect: The offensive power of your Finisher is
increased by 150%.
9- +15 Points Blood
(Bleeding increases spirit.)
Requirement: You are shedding blood.
Effect: The offensive power of all moves are
increased by 5%.
10-+20 Points Tough
Requirement: ??
Effect: ??
11-+20 Points ??
Requirement: ??
Effect: ??
12-+25 Points ??
Requirement: ??
Effect: ??
13-+30 Points ??
Requirement: ??
Effect: ??
Recovery Power:
1- +0 Points Slow
2- +10 Points Medium
3- +20 Points Fast
Recovery Power(Bloodshed -- When Bleeding):
1- +0 Points Slow
2- +5 Points Medium
3- +10 Points Fast
Respiratory Mood/Breathing:
1- +0 Points Below
2- +10 Points Medium
3- +20 Points Above
Respiratory Mood/Breathing (Bloodshed -- When Bleeding):
1- +0 Points Below
2- +5 Points Medium
3- +10 Points Above
Spiritual Strength/Awareness:
1- +0 Points Poor
2- +10 Points Medium
3- +20 Points Strong
Spiritual Strength/Awareness (Bloodshed -- When Bleeding):
1- +0 Points Poor
2- +5 Points Medium
3- +10 Points Strong
Neck Endurance Time (Stamina):
1- +0 Points Low
2- +2 Points Medium
3- +5 Points High
Arm Endurance Time (Stamina):
1- +0 Points Low
2- +2 Points Medium
3- +5 Points High
Waist Endurance Time (Stamina):
1- +0 Points Low
2- +2 Points Medium
3- +5 Points High
Foot Endurance Time (Stamina):
1- +0 Points Low
2- +2 Points Medium
3- +5 Points High
Movement Speed (Speed of the Wrestler):
1- +0 Points Slow
2- +2 Points Medium Slow
3- +6 Points Medium
4- +14 Points Medium Fast
5- +24 Points Fast
Ascent and Descent Speed (Speed Climbing the Ringpost):
1- +0 Points Slow
2- +2 Points Medium Slow
3- +4 Points Medium
4- +6 Points Medium Fast
5- +8 Points Fast
Ascend/I run and Ascend (Ability to climb top turnbuckle):
1- +0 Points I cannot ascend (All climbing ability disabled)
2- +4 Points I can ascend (Normal climbing ability enabled)
3- +12 Points I can ascend while I run (Normal climbing ability
enabled plus the ability to climb by Running toward the
corner and holding A+B)
Outside Return Count: 0 to 20
(How long your wrestler will stay outside the ring to fight when he
is controlled by the CP)
(How long before he will tag his partner in during a tag match when
he's controlled by the CP; based on the amount of damage he takes)
Theme Music: (R Trigger to preview)
Assault (Toshiaki Kawada)
Conquest (Mitsuharu Misawa)
Critical (The Great Sasuke)
Geisha (TAKA Michinoku)
King's Road (Giant Baba)
Done (Back to Wrestler Edit menu)
**5-Parameter Edit
Numerical settings for offensive and defensive ability in the
different areas.
Parameter Controls:
Use D-Pad directions to move between categories.
A Button Increase.
B Button Decrease.
Choose the item in the middle to return to the Wrestler Edit
Punch Punch
Kick Kick
Suplex Suplex
Submission Submission
Stretch Stretch
Power Flying
Instant-P Crush
Arm Power Versus Lariat
Technic Technic
Rough Rough
1-PUNCH, Attack or defend against Hand strikes, punches.
2-KICK, Attack or defend against Kicks, Knee Kicks.
3-SUPLEX, Attack or defend against Throws.
4-SUBMISSION, Attack or defend against submission holds.
5-STRETCH, Attack or defend against pulling submissions.
6-POWER, Attack horsepower.
7-INSTANT-P, Instant Power-Short burst of power.
8-ARM POWER, Attack power of the arm.
9-FLYING, Defend against jumping or flying attacks.
10-CRUSH, Defend against attacks where opponent's full body weight
is used.
11-VS. LARIAT, Defend against Lariat or Clothesline attacks.
12-TECHNIC, Attack or defend against technical moves, small
package, etc.
13-ROUGH, Attack or defend agains illegal weapons or head butts.
Move Selection Controls:
Use D-Pad UP/DOWN to move between categories.
A Button Choose a move.
L Trigger Mark highlighted move with a status:
1x-Special (Limit: Four)
2x-FINISHER (Limit: One)
After you finish choosing all of the moves and
exit, you will be allowed to name the finisher.
R Trigger Preview highlighted move.
Move Selection
Standing B
Standing A
Standing B + A
Running B
Running A
Counter B (Hammer Throw/Irish Whip follow-up)
Counter A (Hammer Throw/Irish Whip follow-up)
Running to Corner B
Running to Out of Bounds A + B
Rope Slingshot to Out of Bounds A + B
Apron to Slingshot Inside A + B
Post B
Post A
Post A + B
Grappling B
Grappling B + Up
Grappling B + Left/Right
Grappling B + Down
Grappling A
Grappling A + Up
Grappling A + Left/Right
Grappling A + Down
Grappling A + B
Grappling A + B + Up
Grappling A + B + Left/Right
Grappling A + B + Down
Back B
Back A
Back A + B
Back A + B + Up/Down
Back A + B + Left/Right
Back Defensive B
Back Defensive A
Opponent Downed, Face Up, Head A + B
Opponent Downed, Face Up, Legs A + B
Opponent Downed, Face Down, Head A + B
Opponent Downed, Face Down, Legs A + B
Opponent Downed, Face Up, Head A
Opponent Downed, Face Up, Legs A
Opponent Downed, Face Down, Head A
Opponent Downed, Face Down, Legs A
Opponent Downed, Running A + B
Corner Grappling A + B + Up
Corner Grappling A + B + Left/Right
Corner Grappling A + B + Down
Appeal Pre-Match (Taunt/Pose before match)
Appeal During Match (Taunt/Pose during the match -- SELECT Button)
Appeal Post-Match (Taunt/Pose after the match)
Front Two Platon
Front Three Platon
Back Two Platon
Back Three Platon
Corner Two Platon
Corner Three Platon
**7-CPU Logic
Controls the wrestler's tendencies by percentages when controlled by
the computer. A popular feature used to simulate dream matches.
Small Damage
Large Damage
<>Stand Back
<>Circle the Opponent
<>B Attack
<>A Attack
<>A+B Attack
Front Grapple
Small Damage
Medium Damage
Large Damage
<>B Move
<>B+Up Move
<>B+Left/Right Move
<>B+Down Move
<>A Move
<>A+Up Move
<>A+Left/Right Move
<>A+Down Move
<>A+B Move
<>A+B+Up Move
<>A+B+Left/Right Move
<>A+B+Down Move
<>R Trigger (Hammer Throw)
<>L Trigger (Front Headlock)
Back Grapple
Small Damage
Large Damage
<>B Move
<>A Move
<>A+B Move
<>A+B+Up/Down Move
<>A+B+Left/Right Move
<>R Trigger (Hammer Throw)
Opponent is Thrown to Ropes
Small Damage
Large Damage
<>Running B Move
<>Running A Move
<>B Counter
<>A Counter
<>L Trigger Counter (Dodge)
Opponent is Dazed in Corner
Small Damage
Large Damage
<>Perform Running B Move
<>A+B+Up Corner Grapple Move
<>A+B+Left/Right Corner Grapple Move
<>A+B+Down Corner Grapple Move
Opponent is Down Near Corner
Large Damage
Near Death
<>Attack Normally
<>B Post Move
<>A Post Move
<>A+B Post Move
Opponent is Down in Center or Ring (Away from Corner)
Large Damage
Near Death
<>Attack Normally
<>Perform Running A+B while Opponent is Down Move
Opponent is Down, Face Up
Small Damage
Large Damage
Near Death
<>Pick Up
<>Roll Over
<>Near Head A+B Move
<>Near Legs A+B Move
<>Near Head A Move
<>Near Legs A Move
Opponent is Down, Face Down
Small Damage
Large Damage
Near Death
<>Pick Up
<>Roll Over
<>Near Head A+B Move
<>Near Legs A+B Move
<>Near Head A Move
<>Near Legs A Move
Opponent is Standing Dazed Near Corner
Large Damage
Near Death
<>Attack Normally
<>B Post Move
<>A Post Move
<>A+B Post Move
<>Perform Apron-to-Inside Move (A+B+toward inside)
Opponent is Standing Dazed Near Center of Ring (Away from Corner)
Large Damage
Near Death
<>Attack Normally
<>Running B Move
<>Running A Move
Opponent is Standing Dazed
Small Damage
Large Damage
Near Death
<>Grapple Opponent from Behind
<>A+B Attack
Opponent Grapples from Behind
-No Subcategories-
<>B Back Counter
<>A Back Counter
Opponent is Outside the Ring
-No Subcategories-
<>Follow Opponent Outside
<>Slingshot to Outside A+B Move
<>Running Dive to Outside A+B Move
<>Wait for Opponent to Return
Opponent Standing Dazed
Opponent Down
Opponent Outside of the Ring
On the Top Turnbuckle
<>Do Not Perform
Personality Traits
Everytime I am Particular (Entertainment)
The first entry is particular about the development
of the match. When the percentage is high, the
wrestler is clumsy. For example, more likely to
cause an opponent to fall out of the ring. When it
is low, he's reliable.
Serious Time (Discretion)
When the percentage is higher, the wrestler's
tactics are purely for the purpose of winning.
For example, often drags an opponent to the middle
of the ring when they're down near the ropes to
avoid a rope break. When it's low, tactics are
more aimed at entertaining than winning.
This percentage sets his adaptability to the
opponent's style.
Used for Tag Matches, when this percentage is set
higher, more likely to do Double Team moves and
work with a partner.
Done (Back to Wrestler Edit menu)
**8-Data Protection (Load/Save/Delete)
Done (Back to Wrestler Edit menu)
This menu is very convenient for English-speaking players since
LOAD, SAVE, and DELETE are actually written in English. Also,
unlike FPG and FPD, saving will actually write the data
directly to the cart's memory -- no need to save again in
another screen afterwards. There are 77 slots available for
wrestler data.
Group Edit
-Initial screen
Done (Back to Edit Mode menu)
Simply choose EDIT and then either the logo or the name to
change it. LOAD/SAVE are in English on-screen.
The rename mode's initial screen functions similarly to the Wrestler
Select screen. Use D-Pad LEFT/RIGHT to highlight an organization,
UP/DOWN to highlight a wrestler. Press UP again at the top wrestler to
rename the organization itself.
Wrestler Affiliation
Use D-Pad UP/DOWN to highlight a wrestler, and press A to choose an
organization for him to belong to. Below all of the organizations is
the Hide feature which hides the wrestler from the Wrestler Select
screen altogether.
Written by Frank James Chan
Colin Taibi
This file may be redistributed so long as due credit is given to the
author, Frank James Chan, and a link to the Fire Pro DreamWorld website
is provided.
Copyright (C) 2001